Let's talk about smoothjazz.com! We have been friends with the founders of this incredible site since the very early days of Acoustic Alchemy and have watched them almost single-handedly reinvent the way people listen to music on the internet. They have pioneered new music, invented new technology that helps fans find music and musician find fans and become a major force in the Smooth Jazz world. We're incredibly proud to have worked with them over the years, mostly because they are always so much fun to work with. We highly recommend you click the logo to the left and check out everything they have to offer!

A question we get a lot at gigs is, "How do you get the guitars to sound so good on stage?" Well a lot of that is down to the fantastic Fishman pickups and processing we use. Greg Carmichael has a Fishman Aura pedal and it makes a nylon guitar sound, well, like a nylon guitar which is a lot harder to do that you might think!

Guitars don't sound very good without strings, and the better the strings, the better they sound. That's why we use D'Addario!

Beyer Dynamic have supplied mics for GG's drums and other instruments on stage for many years now and wherever we play engineers and fans alike come up and ask about them. Our sound engineer simply won't use anything else!
We would also like to thank Dave Puttick creative artist for the electronica which feature on the songs "Augustrasse 18" and "Limited Excess". This was not reflected on the album notes at time of release.